Yes, the bank would effectively pay you to borrow money. But negative interest rates won’t please savers, nor will they meet the big challenges of economic recovery.
Westpac and the ANZ have suspended dividends payments. The National Australia Bank has slashed them. The peculiarities of our tax system explain why retirees hate this more than they should.
In an era of data breaches and data privacy concerns, governments should enshrine in law a requirement for companies and banks to send paper bills and statements in order to protect consumers.
Banking deserts make it harder for children and young adults to become financially literate, which leads to worse credit and a lifetime of disadvantage.
While there has been talk of a “religious vote” or an “ethnic vote” holding sway at this election, particularly in Sydney’s western suburbs, new research does not bear that out.
American companies still face enormous uncertainty about how they’ll be doing business in the UK and EU in the coming years, particularly as the April 12 Brexit deadline draws closer.
More than a third (35.4%) of respondents surveyed by the Australian Leadership Index believe banking and financial institutions show “no leadership for the greater good”.