Jennifer Curtin
Professor of Politics and Policy, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
Eleanor Ramsay
Honorary Professor, Division of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students and Education), University of Tasmania
Judy McGregor
Head of School, Social Sciences and Public Policy, Auckland University of Technology
Robert G. Patman
Professor of International Relations, University of Otago
Nicholas Khoo
Associate Professor of International Politics and Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Indo-Pacific Affairs (Christchurch), University of Otago
Nick Wilson
Professor of Public Health, University of Otago
Marco de Jong
Lecturer, Law School, Auckland University of Technology
Susan Hutchinson
PhD Candidate, International Relations, Australian National University
Dominic O'Sullivan
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, and Professor of Political Science, Charles Sturt University