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Articles on Indigenous children's health

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In 2018, the rate at which Māori babies were removed from their families was four times the rate for the rest of the New Zealand population. from

Racism alleged as Indigenous children taken from families – even though state care often fails them

Last week’s attempted removal of a newborn Māori baby from his family highlights the issue that indigenous children are much more likely to be taken into state care, in New Zealand and other countries.
The formula industry has responded to the decline in sales to white women at home by ramping up its marketing to Black and brown women overseas. (Shutterstock)

U.S. support of formula over breastfeeding is a race issue

American support of the formula industry comes at the cost of the health and lives of Black and brown babies, at home and abroad.
Impetigo happens when itching causes the skin to break and let in disease-causing bacteria. from

Why simple school sores often lead to heart and kidney disease in Indigenous children

While school sores – or impetigo – is a treatable condition, if left untreated it can lead to much more serious illness such as kidney and heart disease.
Parenting programs and home visiting programs can offer vital support to mothers struggling with mental illness, substance use, and other challenges. Research shows that avoiding foster care is better for the health of mother and child. (Shutterstock)

Foster care damages the health of mothers

New research shows that having a child in foster care is often harmful to a mother’s mental and physical health.
Indigenous kids experience more major life events than non-Indigenous kids, and this can affect their health. Rusty Stewart/Flickr

How discrimination and stressful events affect the health of our Indigenous kids

High Indigenous mortality rates mean Indigenous children may observe the death of relatives and experience grieving more often than the general population.

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