Owens reaches million of people online and wants to do five shows across Australia, but there are calls to deny her entry. Here’s what the federal government has to consider.
Many people agree freedom of speech has its limits and the law has some role to play in prohibiting harmful speech. But what should these laws look like?
The intersectionality of hate, which combines racism, antisemitism and misogyny, leads the white heterosexual male to believe that he is a victim of the “minorities” he must resist.
Each side is righteously sensitive to any perceived hate speech from the other, but seems unwilling to limit their own punitive strategies or inflammatory language.
On today’s Don’t Call Me Resilient podcast, political scientist Sikata Banerjee and cinema studies scholar Rakesh Sengupta explain how cinema and social media in India may be helping to sway voters.
The Canadian government’s refusal to include a description of anti-Palestinian racism sends the message that the struggles of Palestinians don’t matter.
The prime minister has flagged he has draft legislation on religious freedom waiting in the wings, but unless Peter Dutton agrees to it, it may never see the light of day.
By targeting a restaurant owner who identifies with a specific cuisine, the protester makes that one person responsible for the actions of an entire group or country.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has suspended the MP over his comments about Sadiq Khan but has conspicuously failed to acknowledge the Islamophobia at the heart of the scandal.
The city often becomes a magnet for anti-Arab sentiment during election years and global conflicts; however, the more interesting story is what happens in the city when the spotlight is turned off.
Anti-Islam activists in Sweden have repeatedly burned Qurans in public, not only earning the country vehement criticism from Muslim countries but also raising the threat of terrorism.
In Ontario and in Alberta, university decisions about balancing free expression and protection from harm will be an important test of recent university policy shifts pertaining to free expression.
Associate Professor in Islamic Studies, Director of The Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation and Executive Member of Public and Contextual Theology, Charles Sturt University