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Articles on Needle exchange

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Indonesia is forcing people with drug dependence problems to go into rehab. joloei/

Forced rehabilitation of drug users in Indonesia not a solution

Indonesia’s war on drugs aims to protect the country’s young generation from an alleged “national drug emergency.” But the government’s coercive approach is harming the people it wishes to protect.
Instead, we need to adopt a harm-minimisation approach. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Awareness campaigns need to target the real victims of ice

International evidence suggests “awareness” campaigns are not the best way to address harmful methamphetamine use. Fear-based approaches can increase stigma and drive people from treatment.
Needle exchanges don’t put more syringes on the streets. In this photo a clean syringes chart is shown at the Aids Center of Queens County needle exchange outreach center in New York in 2006. Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Syringe exchange in southern Indiana to respond to an increase in HIV cases: better late than never?

Officials in Indiana would have served the population better if syringe exchanges had been in place before the upsurge in HIV cases began.
Prevention messages and consistent condom use have broken the nexus between sex work and HIV transmission in Australia. publik16/Flickr

HIV in Australia: we’ve come a long way but there’s more to do

In the three decades since the virus was identified, Australia has done well by international standards in keeping HIV infection rates down. But certain aspects of our national approach continue to risk…
Needle exchange kits are a cost-effective way of reducing the harm of illicit drugs.

Spending down on harm reduction for illicit drugs: report

Australian governments are spending more on law enforcement against illicit drugs than treatment and prevention, according to a report released today by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. The…
Katy Gallagher and the ACT government have acted in the best interests of the community. AAP/Alan Porritt

Conviction politics: needle exchange established in ACT prison

The announcement yesterday by Chief Minister Katy Gallagher to establish a needle exchange in the ACT’s Alexander Maconochie Prison is historic. Politicians need votes like the rest of us need oxygen…

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