Australia is facing climate hazards on all fronts this spring and summer. Climate scientist Andrew King walks us through the Bureau of Meteorology’s new national outlook.
Heat-related deaths are increasing. People at greatest risk in extreme heat include older people, those with chronic conditions and those without air conditioning.
It was Coco Channel who first made tanning fashionable. But South Californian and Polynesian surfers and American artists on the Côte d'Azur gave it its ‘raison d'être’.
A landmark report has clearly attributed the June heat wave in Canada to climate change. The lessons from this report can help inform climate policy in a changing Canada.
Global temperatures have averaged at least 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than preindustrial times for over a year. Two scientists explain what that means and what humanity can do.
The June heat wave triggered warnings of a flash drought and caused a surge in ER visits. Many other countries have been facing extreme heat at the same time.
A university-based book club, open to all, selects and reviews books grounded in science, directed at improving well-being. Summer picks cover dreams, art, social media, mental health and more.
Extreme heat will continue to affect Canada, but the negative impacts on the most vulnerable, including those living with mental illness, can be reduced by taking steps to ensure healthier cities.