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Articles on Wind turbine syndrome

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Diminishing returns: how long should experts be expected to search for health problems no one has proved are real? EPA/Horacio Villalobos/AAP Image

More research is good, but not if wind experts are told what to find

“More research needed” is a familiar cry in science. But in the case of the Senate’s call for yet more scrutiny of wind farms, there are signs that experts are being ushered in a preconceived direction.
Wind turbines do produce infrasound - but the link to ill-health is far from clear. Danielle Martineau/Flickr

The real science on wind farms, noise, infrasound and health

People are complaining of a range of health related problems and are attributing them to wind turbines. The question is: what is the cause of these health problems?
In even the best of studies, it will be impossible to separate out ‘nocebo’ effects from direct effects. reynermedia/Flickr

A $2.5m investment in wind farms and health won’t solve anything

The out-going head of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Warwick Anderson confirmed in Senate Estimates recently that calls for research proposals for up to a total of A$2.5 million…
People are unlikely to experience ill-health further than 500 metres from wind turbines. David Clarke/Flickr

No evidence wind farms directly impact health: NHMRC

There is no direct evidence that wind turbines affect physical or mental health, according to a review of the evidence by the National Health and Medicine Research Council (NHMRC). The review found no…
Blowhards? The debate over wind turbines is heated, so it’s best to rely on solid science. Fir0002/Flagstaffotos/Wikimedia Commons

Wind turbine studies: how to sort the good, the bad, and the ugly

Yesterday, The Australian ran a front-page article about what it called a “groundbreaking” new study on wind turbines and their associated health impacts. The study supposedly found a trend between participants…
Proximity to wind farms may cause annoyance but not ill health. Image from

Study finds no evidence wind turbines make you sick – again

There is no reliable or consistent evidence that proximity to wind farms or wind farm noise directly causes health effects. That’s the finding of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC…
People report symptoms from wind farms even when the wind turbines aren’t in operation. Image from

Wind turbines don’t make you feel sick or healthy, but spin can

Despite at least 19 reviews of the scientific evidence universally concluding that exposure to wind farm sound doesn’t trigger adverse health effects, people continue to report feeling unwell because they…
Exposure to infrasound, at the level produced by wind turbines, is an ordinary occurrence. Flickr/Wavy1

How the power of suggestion generates wind farm symptoms

A surge in health complaints linked to wind farms could owe more to increased discussion of health risk than the low-level sound generated by the actual turbines, according to a new study. The study by…
Wind turbine syndrome seems to be caused by fear and anxiety spread by anti-wind farm groups. Image from

New study: wind turbine syndrome is spread by scaremongers

A study of mine published last night delivers a double whammy to those who argue that wind turbines cause health problems in communities. Earlier this week researchers at the University of Auckland published…
Obesity, over-diagnosis, the NDIS, vaccinations and open access for genetic information were just some of the issues covered in 2012. Kylie May;; Morberg; Pranjal Mahn

2012, the year that was: Health + Medicine

It promised to be a full year of reforms: pokies legislation, front-of-pack food labels and a dental system that doesn’t cost those in need an arm and a leg. But while we did see cigarette companies forced…

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