States could be in for another summer of unhealthy wildfire smoke as ‘zombie fires’ resurface in western Canada and more blazes break out in the dry conditions.
As the COVID-19 pandemic fades, we may debate whether public health responses could have been better. But first we need to understand what public health errors are — and are not.
In 2020, with adult ICUs at risk of being overwhelmed, we wore masks and accepted restrictions. Now pediatric intensive care is at risk. Will leaders follow the evidence and tell us to mask up?
Spring Zhou, University of Wollongong et Tava Olsen, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
During COVID, rich countries have used masks and gloves from their medical stockpiles. But not all countries are so fortunate. We found the best way to help. It may not be what you think.
Billions of face masks and other personal protective equipment have been used throughout the pandemic. Containing plastic, these items are damaging wildlife and their environments.
Instead of minimizing current or future waves of COVID-19, we need strategies to deal with new variants efficiently. Only then can we live with the virus in a healthy way.
We tested well-fitting cloth masks made from 16 kinds of cotton, on human participants, to see how many provided filtration comparable with a certified medical mask. Most of them did.
Decreases in respiratory infections during the pandemic suggest there may be a continued role for the selective, non-mandated use of measures like masks and social distancing even post-COVID-19.
While public health measures in schools and hospitals aim to reduce COVID transmission, people with disability who have support workers in their homes have largely been forgotten.
The pandemic lifestyle we are all adjusting to is the life families of children with cancer have already been living. But there have been positives, too.
Increased digital screen use, face masks and winter weather combine to form a triple threat to eye health: The dry eye triad. Here’s how to combat the resulting eye fatigue, irritation and discomfort.