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Articles sur Tasmania

Affichage de 1 à 20 de 213 articles


‘How long before climate change will destroy the Earth?’: research reveals what Australian kids want to know about our warming world

The result shows climate change education in schools must become more holistic and empowering, and children should be allowed to shape the future they will inherit.
Newfoundland and Tasmania, Australia, have been described as ‘mirror islands’ with striking linkages. Site of one of the field excursions during the authors’ 12-day exchange to Tasmania, Australia. (Author Provided, Brady Reid)

Flipping Indigenous regional development in Newfoundland upside-down: lessons from Australia

The lessons from Tasmania are clear. Asserting Indigenous rights in Canada can be mutually beneficial for all.
Men and boys, many dressed as women, attacking a turnpike gate in protest at charges at tollgates on public roads in west Wales. The Illustrated London News, 1843. World History Archive/Alamy

Why men in 19th century Wales dressed as women to protest taxation

The Rebecca riots saw Welsh farmers disguised as women destroy tollgates as a way of challenging what they believed was an oppressive taxation system.

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