The Conversation

10 ways we are different

The Conversation is an independent source of news, analysis and expert opinion, written by academics and researchers, and delivered direct to the public.

  1. In a world of misinformation and spin, The Conversation contributes to healthy democratic discourse by injecting facts and evidence into the public arena.
  2. All our content is sourced from university scholars and researchers who have deep expertise in their subject.
  3. We are committed to responsible and ethical journalism, with a strict Editorial Charter and codes of conduct. Errors are corrected promptly.
  4. We are transparent, with every author disclosing their expertise, funding, and conflicts of interest.
  5. We are a global knowledge project, with staff based in Canada, the US, UK, Australia, Africa, France, Indonesia, and Spain working with more than 150,000 specialist scholars and researchers. Our aim is to have editors in every part of the world.
  6. All our content is free to read and republish under Creative Commons while the rest of the media charges for re-publication.
  7. We believe in the free flow of information. We disseminate our content to more than 22,000 sites worldwide. That gives our content a global reach of 42 million readers a month, and growing.
  8. To avoid commercial conflict we don't carry advertising pop-ups or annoying autoplay.
  9. In Canada, we rely on the support of universities, foundations, tri-council research funding, a research institute and media partnership. Our founding university partners include: Concordia University, Dalhousie University, University of Guelph, Laurentian University, McMaster University, Memorial University, Queen's University, Ryerson University & the Faculty of Communication & Design, University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of Manitoba, University of New Brunswick, The University of Saskatchewan, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, and University of Winnipeg. Our founding strategic partners include: Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship at Ryerson University, the Lawson Foundation, the Margaret & Wallace McCain Family Foundation, Mindset Social Innovation Foundation and Universities Canada. Canadian Press/La Presse Canadienne is a founding media partner and we have research funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
  10. We are a not-for-profit organisation serving the public good.

With your support we can check more facts, report more research and provide more informed explanations of complex problems.