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Articles on E-waste recycling

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The electric car makes it possible to partially decarbonize transportation, but the fate of the batteries after their use remains an open problem. Michael Marais/Flickr

Can electric vehicle batteries be recycled?

Between reuse and recycling, what happens to the batteries of electric vehicles?
Most of the world’s electronics are not recycled, posing health and environmental risks. catscandotcom/Getty Images

Consumer electronics have changed a lot in 20 years – systems for managing e-waste aren’t keeping up

Technical advances are reducing the volume of e-waste generated in the US as lighter, more compact products enter the market. But those goods can be harder to reuse and recycle.
A discarded Juul on the floor of a San Francisco streetcar March 20, 2018. Julia McQuoid

E-cigarettes and a new threat: How to dispose of them

E-cigarettes are hotly debated because of the uncertainty of whether they are a gateway to cigarette smoking for teens, or an aid to smoking cessation. One thing is clear: They are not biodegradable.

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