Some materials react and generate potentially helpful particles when exposed to light. Analytical AI can help scientists sort through materials to find ones with this property.
Researchers asked engineering students to tell stories about challenges they had faced. Telling the stories, students said, made them more likely to stay in their major.
A civil engineer explains why roadways and rails warp and crack in the heat − and points to some innovative ways to keep the US transportation system healthy as long as possible.
The LHC is back in business for the year, but getting it ready to collect data isn’t always a straightforward process. You can’t just unplug it and plug it in again.
Underwater construction is a complex and difficult task, but engineers have developed several ways to build underwater … mostly by not building underwater at all.
Ethics is often neglected in engineering education, two researchers write, despite mounting questions about how to responsibly design artificial intelligence programs.
What mathematicians call ‘disordered collections’ can help engineers explore real-world worst-case scenarios. The simple card game Set illustrates how to predict internet and electrical grid failures.