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Articles on European Super League

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On the occasion of a 2011 match between Portugal and Argentina, Cristiano Ronaldo (left) and Lionel Messi (right) show off a pair of high-end watches. The riches have only continued to flow in. Fanny Schertzer/Wikipedia

Top football stars: famous because they’re rich, or rich because they’re famous?

A new study explores the how the celebrity and status of professional footballers in the “Big Five” European leagues can affect both performance and pay.
Super League plans have fans screaming into the void, like soccer star Lionel Messi here. Josep Lago/AFP via Getty Images

The ups and downs of European soccer are part of its culture – moving to a US-style ‘closed’ Super League would destroy that

More competitive games between top soccer clubs is desirable but creating a ‘closed’ system would harm a soccer culture built on dreams, says the man who predicted the Super League two decades ago.

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