Labour’s Modern Slavery Reporting Bill would require businesses to act if they suspect worker exploitation in their operations or supply chains. But will the National-led government support it?
In early 2023 the evidence threshold for making complaints about modern slavery increased. New findings show how it has affected victims’ chances of success.
Supply chains can contain thousands of suppliers spanning continents. DNA testing, drones, satellite imaging and other technologies can help identify forced and child labour.
A new study suggests disclosure laws to prevent forced labour in the clothing industry are a form of window dressing designed to ease the conscience of consumers rather than protecting workers.
Nerida Chazal, University of South Australia and Kyla Raby, University of South Australia
Our research found Australia’s visa system continues to harm migrants once they’ve experienced exploitation. Survivors described being left destitute and desperate without access to services.
The government has claimed that irregular migrants are falsely claiming to be victims of modern slavery to avoid being deported, but there is little evidence to support this.
If we have learned anything from the fight against modern slavery, it is that addressing the issue takes extensive time, resources and long-term commitments.
Mike Lee, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
The collapse of Rana Plaza on March 24, 2013, put the focus on fast fashion. But research shows that stressed and struggling consumers don’t have the luxury of making ethical choices.
The firms that do worst on the environment and human slavery in the 2023 Chocolate Scorecard are those whose mission statements extend to little more than making chocolate.
While it may be challenging for organizations to manage all the activities within their global supply chains, there are best practices they can adopt to prevent modern slavery.
Deputy Director, Intellectual Forum at Jesus College in the University of Cambridge, and Researcher for the Department of Social and Political Sciences, Bocconi University, University of Cambridge