Paracelsus' poison
Displaying 11 - 20 of 81 articles
I love Michael Leunig’s cartoons; their whimsy speaks to me, and I always felt myself a Mr. Curly type, in need of a direction-finding duck sometimes in the storms of life. I was therefore saddened by…
There is an old saying that a lie will be heard around the world while truth is still getting its boots on. This was brought home to me during a radio interview I did on Tuesday night in the wake of the…
There was an article on the ABC site this morning which gave us this alarming headline “Pesticide banned worldwide still used to grow 70pc of Australian strawberries”. Shocking! Except, well, there were…
The NHMRC has released its final statement on homeopathy. To no ones great surprise, the report concluded that there was no evidence that homeopathy was effective in treating any of 63 separate medical…
I was going to avoid blogging on this topic, but seeing as the story made the Australian with the headline “Chemicals in lipstick and cleaning products linked to early menopause”, I feel I have to weigh…
A paper has just been released that will raise health concerns about Bisphenol A again. The paper, “Low-dose exposure to bisphenol A and replacement bisphenol S induces precocious hypothalamic neurogenesis…
Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy, the Christmas Comet, is brightest this Sunday, January 11. Not that it will be obvious, at a predicted magnitude 4.5 it will be quite dim and be only marginally brighter than the…
This has been a bad year for homeopathy, first there was the Draft Information Paper on Homeopathy from the NHMRC, which concluded there was no reliable evidence for the use of homeopathy in the treatment…
This morning I woke to the most disappointing headline ever. “A Bite to Remember? Chocolate Is Shown to Aid Memory” was prominent in my twitter feed, highlighting a recent paper in Nature Neuroscience…
Bisphenol A is in the news again. A paper just published in the Public Library of Science with the alarming title of “Holding Thermal Receipt Paper and Eating Food after Using Hand Sanitizer Results in…