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Paracelsus' poison

Displaying 31 - 40 of 81 articles


Vaccines and toxins, more misunderstanding

As we prepare for the 2014 influenza season, vaccines are in the news again. Also in the news is the latest chapter in a drawn out drama of vaccine misinformation. In case you may have missed this, after…

Herbal Medicines: what do the labels say?

I’ve just spent over two days doing radio and TV interviews about a paper from my colleagues and I on labelling of herbal medicines. It’s not actually physically printed yet but you can get an electronic…

Antibiotic awareness week

In case you haven’t noticed, this is antibiotic awareness week. Antibiotics have changed our lives more profoundly than almost any other medical intervention outside of vaccination. If you want a glimpse…

Are we really “Polluted People”

Last week saw CleanUp 2013, a worthy conference on environmental remediation hosted by the CRC for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment. However, in amongst the media releases on…

Futile research or stealthy censorship?

It hasn’t been a very inspiring election from the point of view of research. Research hasn’t really featured at all. That slightly changed today with a front page article in the Advertiser (also in The…