A town hit hard by two hurricanes, downpours and a deep freeze, all in the midst of a pandemic, offers crucial lessons for everyone’s disaster planning and recovery.
We asked thousands of people what issues are most important to them. While the top priorities are the same as in 2022, if we look a bit deeper, what Australians care about is shifting.
The ecological transition can sometimes work to the detriment of marginalized communities. Any approach to climate action must take issues of equity and justice into account.
Phrases like ‘climate crisis,’ ‘climate emergency’ or ‘climate justice’ might seem to escalate the urgency, but a large survey shows they don’t help and may actually hurt.
The Keystone XL verdict highlights the importance of protecting governments and public bodies from financial liabilities while they work to keep oil and gas in the ground.
In the book Living Hot, Clive Hamilton and George Wilkenfeld argue humanity should stop trying so hard to reduce emissions, and adapt instead. But we must do both.
Modelling finds the economic impacts of current emissions reduction commitments are limited for countries not heavily dependent on fossil fuel exports.
We must face a confronting truth: if humanity does not divert from its current course, our generation will likely witness the demise of one of Earth’s great natural wonders.