There has been an epidemic outbreak of Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea for the first time. Here’s what you need to know about the virus, and how it spreads.
Lockdown measures may stop the spread of the virus. But they can also lead to a larger and more protracted public health crisis in the form of deprivation and hunger.
Infectious diseases originating in wild animals are high and may be increasing. This is a sign that ecosystem degradation is undermining the planet’s capacity to sustain human wellbeing.
Before COVID-19, clean water, antibiotics and vaccines had made us complacent about infectious disease. Infection control can no longer be taken for granted. We must be prepared for future pandemics.
La gestion internationale des épidémies, consiste parfois à céder leur contrôle à un groupe d'experts étrangers qui possèdent une compréhension superficielle d’une région très complexe.
The delay in finding definitive answers to how novel infectious diseases come about is not unusual. Look at what happened to our search for Ebola virus.
Part-time lecturer at the Global Health & Social Medicine, Harvard University, and Lecturer at the School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Liberia