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Artículos sobre Kermadec Islands

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This squid belongs to one of the families (Histioteuthidae) that is highly diverse but was not previously recorded from the Kermadecs. Richard Young

Squid team finds high species diversity off Kermadec Islands, part of stalled marine reserve proposal

New squid research north of New Zealand nearly doubles the known cephalopod diversity in the Kermadec region, where a proposal to create one of the world’s largest marine reserves has stalled.
No matter how well a country like New Zealand protects its borders, introduced species will sneak in. Queensland University of Technology

A hitchhiker’s ride to New Zealand: alien voyages by sea and air

Historically, geographically, culturally – there are many points of comparison between Australia and its neighbour to the east, New Zealand. But there are notable differences. This week, The Conversation…

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