In this podcast, @michellegrattan and @amandadunn10 discuss Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit and his rock-star welcome, The Voice, and the G7 and Quad meetings in Japan
Like Albanese, Plibersek is pragmatic, but probably hasn’t moved quite so far to the centre as he has. If she were running things, would this Labor government have a more radical tinge?
Anthony Albanese will be on the international road again next week. He’ll be at the NATO summit in Madrid, where they will discuss Ukraine, China and climate change.
Anthony Albanese had expected the election might be a week earlier than it was, because last Saturday would bump up against Tuesday’s Quad meeting in Tokyo.
The Quad summit in Tokyo has praised Australia raising its ambition on climate change, after Anthony Albanese told fellow leaders his government would do more to assist Pacific countries address it.