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Artículos sobre Russian history

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 38 artículos

Andrey Vladimirovich Menshikov, mostly known by his stage name ‘Legalize’, but also for his membership in D.O.B and Bad Balance, is used to grating the Kremlin. KabanDanish/Wikimedia

Russian rap has long held up a mirror to Russian society – and the current reflection isn’t flattering

Vladimir Putin and his KGB men have steadily extinguished the artistic freedom the genre enjoyed in the 1990s, with Ukraine’s invasion adding yet another nail in the coffin.
Pope Francis with Vladimir Putin in 2019: the Pope has angered Ukrainians with a speech that seems to back Putin’s idea of a ‘glorious Russian empire’. EPA-EFE/Alexei Druzhinin/Kremlin/Sputnik POOL

Why Pope’s message to young Russians not to forget ‘great Russia of Catherine II and Peter I’ has not gone down well in Ukraine

Francis I’s message seemed to unwittingly echo some of Vladimir Putin’s historical justifications for invading Ukraine.

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