Universities can draw on health research about patient/health-care practitioner shared decision-making to centre the voices of BIPOC students when creating policies and practices to dismantle racism.
Recently, specious claims against critical race theory have been showing up in Canada. School boards are being questioned about their anti-racism policies and the teaching of CRT to students.
In today’s episode of Don’t Call Me Resilient, we speak with two Canadian educators who explain how using critical race theory in their classrooms helps both students and teachers.
Until Black women can wear their hair how they want without risk of ridicule, reprimand or termination, a joke targeting Black hair is no laughing matter.
President Joe Biden’s nominee for the US Supreme Court withstood four days of hearings and was confirmed to become the first Black woman to serve on the nation’s highest court.
Plantation museums could be ideal venues for students to learn about the nation’s history of race-based slavery, but only if they stop whitewashing the horrors of what took place on their grounds.
A vital step in achieving the kind of action and change that CRT proposes is for each of us to be intentional and steadfast in our convictions to dismantle racist and oppressive power structures.
Medical schools need long-term equity planning and built-in accountability measures in order to help realize a larger vision of anti-racist and inclusive health care.
Nationalist myth has associated ‘true Mexicanness’ with being ‘meztizo’ — a racial and cultural mix of Indigenous and Spaniard, even while the state enacted policies to assimilate Indigenous Peoples.
Miranda’s role as the anxious, fumbling white woman is disappointing. Some might find that Miranda is a reflection of the anxiety and fear that white women experience.