Rising seas are pushing coastal ecosystems to the limit of endurance. Now international research reveals a “tipping point” will be reached if we allow more than 2 degrees of global warming.
The 142 fossil fuel producers collectively exceeded the limits on coal, gas and oil production required to achieve the Paris Agreement goals by between 63% and 70%.
More than a century of research shows that burning fossil fuels warms the climate – that’s exactly why granting new North Sea oil and gas licenses is a bad idea.
Over the past three years, Earth’s climate system has accumulated an average of 11 Hiroshima bombs’ worth of excess energy per second. And it’s showing in the current surge in ocean temperature.
Study suggests that current national climate commitments could be enough to stabilise global warming within the century. But mitigation action needs to be turbocharged.
When Buckingham Palace announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September, the news overshadowed reporting of a critical review of climate tipping points, published in Science. Did you miss it?
As the world waits with bated breath for the release of the latest UN climate report, let’s take a fresh look at the IPCC. What can we expect from the Synthesis Report on Monday evening?
There have been 27 UN COP meetings. Despite these negotiations, the planet is on target to exceed emission thresholds for global warming. Given these failures, why continue with this process?
Stopping the expansion of offshore oil and gas extraction is a critical but often overlooked step towards achieving global climate targets and protecting our oceans and planet.