Students can play to their strengths in this anthropology course designed to teach them how to present research findings in ways other than a peer-reviewed paper.
Julia Brown, University of California, San Francisco
In the absence of clear-cut regulation, who should decide on where and how a technology that could change the course of human health should be applied?
Some anthropologists question how much rare activities like big-game hunting could have affected how our species evolved. Instead they’re looking at daily activities like carrying water or firewood.
Cassava’s many assets would seem to make it the ideal crop, except for one drawback: It’s highly poisonous. Human ingenuity has made cassava edible for millennia.
The Avars dominated southeastern central Europe for hundreds of years, leaving one of the richest archaeological heritages in Europe. Now scientists are using DNA to reveal details of their societies.
From kimchi to kombucha and sauerkraut to sourdough, many traditional food staples across cultures make use of fermentation. And these variations are reflected in your microbiome.
Pottery made more than 1800 years ago by Aboriginal communities on Jiigurru in the Lizard Island group in the Great Barrier Reef is the oldest ever found in Australia.
There are hundreds of lost tetrapod species across the globe and their number are increasing decade-on-decade. This study aims to find out why some are rediscovered, while others are not.
Forensic anthropologists are specialized scientists who analyze the skeletal remains of the recently deceased to help authorities figure out who the person was and what happened to them.
Female bodies have an advantage in endurance ability that means Paleolithic women likely hunted game, not just gathered plants. The story is written in living and ancient human bodies.
In the largest study of its kind, researchers have used DNA from a 6,700-year-old cemetery in France to reconstruct the lives of everyday Neolithic people.
Assistant Professor of Arab Crossroads Studies and Anthropology , NYU Abu Dhabi, chercheuse associée LESC, Université Paris Nanterre – Université Paris Lumières