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Articles on Brumbies

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‘Compassionate conservation’: just because we love invasive animals, doesn’t mean we should protect them

Compassionate conservationists believe no animal should be killed in the name of conservation. This idea is a death knell for Australia’s native species.
Feral horses have severely damaged the landscape in Kosciuszko National Park. Travelstine

NSW election: where do the parties stand on brumby culling?

Feral horses are a clear point of division between parties in this weekend’s election. Labor has pledged to repeal the Coalition government’s bill to preserve large numbers of brumbies.
A government plan to ‘dart’ wild horses with fertility control drugs ignores science and expert advice.

Hold your horses – brumby fertility control isn’t that easy

There is no way to effectively administer fertility control to thousands of horses scattered through a huge national park meaning population growth will only be limited as they run out of food
Ongoing controversy around wild horses in Australia encompasses debate about their impact and their cultural meaning, argues Michael Adams. Marcella Cheng/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Essays On Air: The cultural meanings of wild horses

The cultural meanings of wild horses The Conversation18.6 MB (download)
Today's episode of Essays On Air explores how humans have related to horses over time and across the world, and asks: is it time to rethink how we 'manage' brumbies in the wild?
Wild horses, known as brumbies, in Australia.

Friday essay: the cultural meanings of wild horses

From 30,000-year-old cave paintings to The Man From Snowy River, wild horses have always been part of human culture. As Australia debates what to do with ‘brumbies’ in mountain environments, it’s time to reconsider their place.

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