Nadhim Zahawi has been sacked as Conservative chairman.
Alamy/Associated Press
The prime minister’s pledge to bring integrity to public office could become a stick to beat him with – just like ‘back to basics’ became for John Major.
Nicola Sturgeon.
Michael Sturgeo/EPA
The fallout over the Scottish government’s gender recognition legislation has not happened in isolation.
The Circus by Georges Seurat (1891).
Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt
An expert in the circus in literature and culture explains the root of its resonance as a political metaphor – and why circus performers object to it.
Dave Head / shutterstock
An influential group of the UK prime minister’s own backbenchers want more wind farms.
Allegations of bullying and misconduct are a worrying sign for British democracy.
ZUMA Press / Alamy Stock Photo
When civil servants and MPs can’t speak up against ministers, they can’t do their jobs properly.
Andy Rain/EPA-EFE
With an election ahead and finances stretched to capacity, the prime minister has a difficult balancing act to strike.
Six former UK prime ministers and a potential new one in Labour’s Keir Starmer.
Gavin Rodgers/Alamy
The gravity of the current situation is obscuring a less visible crisis – a failure of political imagination
Hasn’t Matt Hancock already got his fifteen minutes?
Alamy/Richard Lincoln
Matt Hancock’s controversial appearance on I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here raises important questions on the true purpose of MPs.
Tolga Akmen/EPA/AAP
Sunak is the first person of colour to take the top post. But he faces a host of problems at home, as well as a Conservative Party tearing itself apart.
Belinda Jiao/Alamy
Sunak’s grandparents were born in India before travelling to East Africa, where his parents were born.
PA Images/Alamy
It has been a short but very eventful journey to the top for a man who has only been in parliament since 2015.
George Canning, now the second-shortest-serving prime minister of the United Kingdom.
Thomas Lawrence, via Wikimedia Commons
Many still speculate about what George Canning would have achieved had he not died 119 days into his premiership.
Alamy/ZUMA Press Inc
The law says MPs have to vote in favour of holding an election – and with the Conservatives facing huge losses, there’s little chance of them wanting one.
Andy Rain/EPA/AAP
It is time for the Conservative Party to have a cup of tea, a Bex and good lie down.
The runners and riders in 2022’s second Conservative party leadership race.
EPA/Andy Rain
The shortest serving prime minister in British history ran into trouble even before taking office.
Frank Augstein/AP/AAP
The Conservative Party is hopelessly stuck in the 1980s, and it may yet be the undoing of Liz Truss as prime minister.
Another prime minister shown the door.
Rob Pinney/Getty Images
Only months into the job, Prime Minister Liz Truss is on her way out already, leaving her government in search of a new leader and a way to regain public trust.
EPA/Carlos Jasso
The top office is not a playground for ideological experiment.
Liz Truss, mid-speech.
PA Images | Alamy
In her first party conference speech as prime minister, Liz Truss has emphasised that growth is the only solution.