Even solitary animals, like the octopus, learn survival tricks from other animals.
Olga Visavi/Shutterstock
How the social lives of animals help them survive.
Connected: Facebook is by far the most popular social media platform in Libya with more than six million users.
Prostock-studio via Shutterstock
This researcher found that even in traditional Arab communities, social media is a better way of reaching people than using family networks.
Young people are more likely to consider some form of open or non-monogamous relationship.
Self-Portrait with Vivex One-Shot Camera by Yevonde (1937).
Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery
Yevonde was a celebrated portraitist, innovative colourist and advocate for women in the profession. In short, a pioneer.
Africa is plagued by paramilitary militias and foreign mercenary groups.
Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo
Armed group, mercenaries, mining, power struggles. It’s a familiar story in Africa, sadly.
Cooking can generate harmful indoor air pollutants.
Andrey Popov/Shutterstock
We’re all exposed to harmful air pollution when cooking – but retrofitting our homes to save energy may complicate matters.
The aftermath of the 1991 bombing in Omagh, which killed 29 people.
AP / Alamy
The long-term legacy can be linked to poor mental health, high levels of suicide and alcohol and drug problems – but also innovation.
Simon Annable/Shutterstock
Extreme weather is a threat to the UK’s electricity system – and climate change is likely to make it even worse.
Images of the snailfish seen at the Izu-Ogasawara Trench.
University of Western Australia
The snailfish was recently found living at depths believed physically impossible.
Calling media organisations ‘government-funded’ risks turning people away from reliable sources of information.
The Tempest’s Caliban was said to voice the fury and distress of the people forced from the Fenlands which were being drained and enclosed.
Lebrecht Music & Arts / Alamy
Worrying environmental issues dominated the time of William Shakespeare as they do now, from depleted fish stocks and food shortages, to overpopulation and animal exploitation.
Philip II portrait by Titian.
Wikimedia Commons
Philip II is the forgotten king of England. Here’s what ‘consort’ really means.
Family liaison officers are a vital part of murder investigations in the UK.
The Stephen Lawrence inquiry and subsequent Macpherson Report led to changes in how police deal with the family of murder victims.
Mae swyddogion cyswllt teulu bellach yn rhan hanfodol o ymchwiliadau llofruddiaeth.
Arweiniodd ymchwiliad Stephen Lawrence a’r adroddiad Macpherson at newidiadau yn y ffordd y mae'r heddlu'n delio â theuluoedd unigolion sydd wedi eu llofruddio.
Children face the effects of prejudice over who has and who lacks rationality, logic, and authority.
A mural to Shakespeare in London.
Facundo Arrizabalaga/EPA
In the late 16th century, new mathematical concepts were transforming perceptions of the world. Shakespeare’s plays helped audiences to process these changes.
A nesting green sea turtle in the Chagos Archipelago.
Nicole Esteban
Leatherback turtles are predicted to lose half of their nesting habitat, on one beach studied.
David Tadevosian/Shutterstock
This latest outbreak has been deadly for many millions of birds. The risk to humans, however, is very low.
Beatriz Flamini may have set a new record for longest voluntary isolation.
Lenscap Photography/Shutterstock
People are becoming more aware of the health risks of laughing gas, but fewer people realise it’s a potent greenhouse gas.