The new season of Game of Thrones signals entertainment companies are getting used to the idea that piracy comes with success. The trick is to loosen fans’ wallets a little down the line.
Cultural and media scholars over the past 20 years have tended to avoid discrimination between the bad, the good and the better. The new season of Game of Thrones starts this weekend – and it’s simply better than the rest.
It is a name that most will have heard of, but few, perhaps, actually know much about. But Marco Polo, an epic ten-episode programme hosted by Netflix, may change that. The show has already been dubbed…
Note: this article contains TV show plot spoilers up to and including the series 4 finale. It also features detail from the books (though no plot spoilers). Wannabe king Stannis Baratheon’s unexpected…
The fourth season of Game of Thrones has gripped scores of people with its epic story of warring factions in a strange and changing landscape, dragons and dire wolves, incursions and sieges, plots and…
Yet another survey has found Australians are paying more than their American and British counterparts for the same entertainment goods and services. In its submission to the government’s Competition Policy…
With the fourth season of HBO’s Game of Thrones (GoT) upon us, many of us will once again escape to the mythical land of Westeros. And we’ll do so thanks to a vast array of international locations and…
The heir to an ancient exiled dynasty marries his sister to the leader of a savage warrior society, in return for their support in his effort to regain his father’s throne. The heir is soon killed, while…
In David Foster Wallace’s epic Infinite Jest, a major conceit is a film so good it reduces any and all who see it into a quivering pulp, physically unable to stop watching, wasting away into utter uselessness…
Slobodan Milosevic went to trial. Bali got bombed. Dudley Moore died and right up there with the memorable moments of 2002 was that 2.8 million Australians sat down and watched The National IQ Test. Because…