Behind the recent row over money for a school Shakespeare festival lies the bigger problem of theatre funding in general. Establishing a genuine national theatre could be the solution.
The legendary British theatre director Peter Brook died on Saturday, age 97. His clarifying focus on what really matters in theatre can be felt across the spectrum of contemporary theatre.
Reckoning around colonialism, anti-Black racism, and inequality is immense across different fields in our society. The Future Prairie Theatre project is addressing these urgent social struggles.
Translations by Brian Friel is an eternally relevant examination of the significance of the Irish language, the power of storytelling and the importance of history.
Hamlet, the tormented prince of Denmark, embodies our own struggles: between reason and violence, courage and inaction. He is a modern character in an endlessly quotable play.
Drama is an engine of discovery as powerful as media reportage, - with the remarkable advantage of putting humans beings under the microscope, linking opinions to emotions.
In an extract from his book, Australia in 50 Plays, Julian Meyrick reflects on an under-appreciated contribution to Australian theatre by the poet Douglas Stewart.
Theatre was one of the worst-hit industries during the height of the pandemic, but the need to adapt may have set an exciting groundwork for the future.
Three stories from Australia and the UK exploring the role of art in helping people deal with the challenges life throws at them. Listen to The Conversation Weekly podcast.
While many actors may aim to fully “become” their character with the use of “method acting” it seems there is a serious misunderstanding of the term and what its founder actually had in mind.
One of Sondheim’s greatest achievements was his ability to write women that actors want to play. His works have singularly elevated the Broadway diva – of all ages.