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Articles on Vaccine passports

Displaying 21 - 40 of 40 articles

Italians must now present a form of vaccine passport called a ‘Green Pass’ to enter many indoor establishments. Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

Italy – once overwhelmed by COVID-19 – turns to a health pass and stricter measures to contain virus

After enduring a devastating wave of infections, deaths and lockdowns at the start of the pandemic, Italy is putting in place tougher anti-COVID measures, including a vaccine passport.
Vaccine passports may soon be required for travelling amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Like biometrics, they’ll likely become a permanent part of our daily lives — and there’s barely been any debate about them. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Why we need to seriously reconsider COVID-19 vaccination passports

COVID-19 vaccine passports are being presented as a relatively simple technological solution to our current travel woes. But meaningful public debate about their merits and problems is essential.
In many cases, getting on a plane, attending a show or going to a store requires an app that proves you’ve been vaccinated. AP Photo/Amr Nabil

Vaccination passport apps could help society reopen – first they have to be secure, private and trusted

How do you prove that people have been vaccinated without putting their privacy at risk? The technology and best practices to make it happen exist. It’s far from clear, however, if they’re being used.

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