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Articles on Women in Leadership

Displaying 41 - 47 of 47 articles

Two-thirds of Australia’s ASX500 firms have no female executives, a census released by the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace agency has found.

Australian firms trail world for women in top roles

Australian companies have the lowest percentage of women in top executive roles compared to other countries with equivalent corporate structures, a new report has found. The 2012 Australian Census of Women…

Women better than men at crisis management

A new Dutch study has found that women are overrepresented in leadership positions in organisations in crisis-mode. The study…
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has spearheaded global push to increase women’s participation in public and corporate life. AAP

Confronting gender inequality beyond quotas

Pressure is mounting globally for women’s equal participation in corporate and public life. As of March 2012, women made up only 3.2% of presidents and chairmen and 13.7% of board seats in European companies…
American Marissa Mayer, 37, held several senior roles at Google before becoming CEO at Yahoo last week in an appointment that made her the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company. AAP

Pervasive workplace sexism is biggest threat to success

Exposure to sexism is the greatest threat to the work performance of women, who flourish when they have opportunities to develop new skills and flexible workplace arrangements, according to a report published…
New research has found many industries have recommended the use of quotas to increase women in leadership roles, although their use also evokes negative reaction. Flickr

Exploring the use of quotas for women in leadership roles

In Australia and many other countries, increases in the number of women in senior leadership roles within most corporations have been small and slow to occur. The underemployment and under-utilisation…
Westpac chief Gail Kelly was the first female CEO of a major Australian bank or top 15 company. AAP/Dean Lewins

Make gender targets a job measure for managers

Australian businesses should set managers “challenging gender targets” and hold them accountable for the proportion of women in their work units, say the authors of a three-year study into gender equality…

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