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Artikel-artikel mengenai Higher education funding

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Pupils sit the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination at a slum school in Nairobi. EPA-EFE/Daniel Irungu

Where Kenya is spending money on education – and what’s missing

At the current rate, technical and vocational education and training will overtake the university budget in the next five to 10 years
Public support for higher education has waned in recent years. HTU/

What public universities must do to regain public support

In order to regain public confidence, universities must take steps to show citizens that investments in higher education are well-spent, an education professor and university professor argue.
Tanya Plibersek announced Labor’s plan to conduct a review of the tertiary education sector in March this year. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Six things Labor’s review of tertiary education should consider

Labor has promised to review the tertiary education sector if elected next year. There are some major issues, and some examples from abroad they should consider.
Long-term, transformative investments in universities do not fit well with the short-term, budget constrained priorities of governments. Shutterstock

How philanthropy could change higher education funding

For universities in Australia to get the most out of philanthropic donations, they need to develop persuasive cases for giving, and work with staff, communities and donors towards shared goals.
Funding dominated the schooling space in 2017, with both sides of politics debating whose funding package benefited which schools the most, and little attention paid to how the money is best spent. Shutterstock

What’s ahead for education policy in 2018

Funding debates dominated most education policy talks in 2017, but discussions look to be extending past the dollar value in 2018 with a number of high profile reports due for release.
The government is proposing to save A$2.2 billion on education over the next four years, which will hit students the hardest. Shutterstock

Universities get an unsustainable policy for Christmas

The cuts to higher education funding are more about making savings than improving higher education, and would be extremely hard to change in the future.
The uneven approach between VET and higher education in particular reflects an ongoing failure to conceive of the two as part of a single tertiary education system. Shutterstock

Vocational education and training sector is still missing out on government funding: report

New analysis of education expenditure shows spending on the vocational education and training sector has declined while other sectors have experienced growth.

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