A close-up of a female Anopheles arabiensis feeding.
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South Africa is piloting a new technique as it drives to eliminate malaria.
Anopheles Gambiae, one of three mosquitoes found in Africa that transmit malaria.
The irritating buzz that rings in your ear in the dead of the night comes from an insect barely traceable with your naked eye. Here are a few facts worth knowing about the mosquito.
A doctor observes mosquitoes to better understand the malaria parasite which has been developing a resistance to the anti-malarial drugs.
Reuters/RIcardo Rojas
Across the world scientists are trying to find a new drug that the malaria carrying parasite will struggle to develop a resistance to.
A young girl plays inside a mosquito net in Kibera, Nairobi.
EPA/Stephen Morrison
Several countries within southern Africa are on the brink of eliminating malaria. But there are several challenges ahead.