Michelle Grattan
Professorial Fellow, University of Canberra
Paula Gerber
Professor of Human Rights Law, Monash University
Timothy W. Jones
Timothy W. Jones adalah Sahabat The Conversation.
Associate Professor in History, La Trobe University
Dennis Altman
Vice Chancellor's Fellow and Professorial Fellow, Institute for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University
Jennifer Power
Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow, Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University
Stephen Parker
Honorary Professorial Fellow, Melbourne CSHE, The University of Melbourne
Simon Crouch
Honorary Researcher, Jack Brockhoff Child Health and Wellbeing Program, The University of Melbourne
Francisco Perales
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Social Science, The University of Queensland
Paddy Nixon
Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Canberra
Robyn J. Whitaker
Associate Professor, New Testament & Director of the Wesley Centre, University of Divinity
Mike Thomas
Lecturer in Social Work, Brunel University London
Muriel Porter
Honorary Research Fellow, Trinity College Theological School, University of Divinity
Nicholas Klomp
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic, University of Canberra
Renae Barker
Senior Lecturer, The University of Western Australia
Ryan Goss
Associate Professor, Australian National University