Azim Premji University was established in Karnataka by the Azim Premji University Act 2010 as a not-for-profit University and is recognized by The University Grants Commission (UGC) under Section 2F.
The beginnings of the University are in the learning and experience of a decade of work in elementary education by the Azim Premji Foundation. The University was founded as one of the key responses to the constraints and challenges that the Foundation encountered both within and in the environment, and as part of a larger strategy to contribute to the Education and Development sectors in the country.
Uncontrolled growth at the expense of the environment will severely exacerbate the impacts of climate change. As shown with tragic floods in India, our cities are not prepared for extreme events.
The population of India’s IT hub, Bangalore, grew for centuries because of nature, not despite it – a lesson that could give hope for the future of our modern cities.
Lacs, puits et arbres ont une importance fondamentale dans l’histoire de Bangalore. Mais la croissance indienne a mis en péril le lien privilégié entre la nature et cette ville du sud de l’Inde.
Bombay a subi de plein fouet la mousson cette année. Les inondations catastrophiques auraient pu être évitées si seulement la ville avait écouté la nature qui l'entoure.
For mapping patterns of plant invasion from the sky, understanding plant behaviour on the ground and using it along with remote sensing cameras, is crucial.
Performance politics has made Donald Trump the new president of the United States. But this is far from new to south India, where the mixing of cinema and politics has a long history.