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Binghamton University, State University of New York

A world-class institution, Binghamton University offers students a broad, interdisciplinary education with an international perspective and one of the most vibrant research programs in the nation.

Ranked among the elite public universities in the country, Binghamton challenges students academically, not financially, in its unique, best-of-both-worlds environment.

Our academic culture is rigorous, collaborative and boldly innovative – while our campus culture exemplifies the best kind of public university experience: richly diverse students, active social life and deep engagement with the community.

Our students, both undergraduate and graduate, work one-on-one with an exceptional faculty and groundbreaking scholars.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 196 articles

Lincoln’s words and legacy are often invoked by U.S. politicians in times of crisis. Marc Dozier/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Lincoln called for divided Americans to heed their ‘better angels,’ and politicians have invoked him ever since in crises − but for Abe, it was more than words

Keeping the United States together meant more than defeating the Confederacy. Lincoln first had to unite a fractured North.
Donald Trump arrives in a Manhattan court to hear the jury’s verdict. Justin Lane-Pool/Getty Images

Trump’s guilty verdict is not the end of the matter

By focusing on the facts, the public can avoid being distracted by baseless allegations about the Trump verdict that undermine institutions designed to ensure – not weaponize – justice.
Les ingrédients des encres de tatouage ne correspondent pas toujours à ce qui est indiqué sur le flacon. AP Photo/Desmond Boylan

Tatouage et allergies : de nombreuses encres contiennent des ingrédients non indiqués sur l’étiquette

Des chimistes ont testé 54 encres à tatouer disponibles sur le marché américain. Plus de la moitié d’entre elles contenait des ingrédients potentiellement allergisants non répertoriés sur les étiquettes.
Within weeks, for the first time in the U.S. consumers will be able to find a birth control pill on retail shelves. Bill Oxford/iStock via Getty Images

Opill, the first over-the-counter birth control pill, will be on shelves soon − here are some key things to know

Once available, Opill will be the most effective form of nonprescription birth control on the market. But you should still speak with your health care provider about any questions.
Penny Knight and Phil Knight were the second-largest givers of 2023. Michael Hickey/Getty Images

Donations by top 50 US donors fell again in 2023, sliding to $12B − Mike Bloomberg, Phil and Penny Knight, and Michael and Susan Dell led the list of biggest givers

Three philanthropy scholars discuss several trends in giving by the wealthiest Americans highlighted in this yearly report. Among them: Much of this money doesn’t go to charities right away.
A bas-relief of Maimonides, sculpted by Brenda Putnam, hangs in the U.S. House of Representatives among statues of historical lawmakers. Architect of the Capitol/Wikimedia

As a rabbi, philosopher and physician, Maimonides wrestled with religion and reason – the book he wrote to reconcile them, ‘Guide to the Perplexed,’ has sparked debate ever since

Faith and reason are often treated as opposites. But some philosophers believe they can only strengthen each other, including the Jewish sage Maimonides, who wrote the famous ‘Guide to the Perplexed.’
The search for the room-temperature superconductor continues. Charles O'Rear/Corbis Documentary via Getty Images

Scientists have been researching superconductors for over a century, but they have yet to find one that works at room temperature − 3 essential reads

Claims about the discovery of a coveted room-temperature superconductor peppered the news in 2023. We pulled three stories from our archives on what superconductivity is and why scientists study it.
A storyline in the forthcoming ‘Wonka’ movie is that the central character can change a dutiful young girl’s life. Warner Bros.

‘Wonka’ movie holds remnants of novel’s racist past

The original storyline for Road Dahl’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” contained some stunning parallels to the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

We can still prevent the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet – if we act fast to keep future warming in check

Seafloor sediments from beneath the Ross Ice Shelf represent an archive of warmer periods in Earth’s past. An ambitious international project aims to uncover what we can learn about our hotter future.
This 15th-century medical manuscript shows different colors of urine alongside the ailments they signify. Cambridge University Library

Modern medicine has its scientific roots in the Middle Ages − how the logic of vulture brain remedies and bloodletting lives on today

Your doctor’s MD emerged from the Dark Ages, where practicing rational “human medicine” was seen as an expression of faith and maintaining one’s health a religious duty.


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