Founded in 1870 as the Colorado Agricultural College, Colorado State University is now among the nation’s leading research universities. Located in Fort Collins, CSU currently enrolls about 22,650 undergraduate students, 4,100 graduate students and 550 Professional Veterinary Medicine students, and has more than 1,800 faculty members working in eight colleges. More information is available at
Humans aren’t the only animals that have names for each other − and studying animals that use names can teach researchers more about how human names evolved.
Donald Trump’s reaction to his conviction provides a textbook case of demagoguery – which erodes democratic institutions and can prime an audience for violence. His followers went right along.
Numerous bats have been found in Colorado with white-nose syndrome. The fungus has killed millions of bats in North America, leaving biologists concerned about its impact on bats in the state.
A veterinarian and epidemiologist who studies infectious diseases in dairy cows discusses the outbreak, how cows recover and what the government is doing to keep the milk supply safe.
The number of prospective jurors saying they can’t be fair to Trump because of who he is does not bode well for the defendant, a legal expert observes,
O sangue contém um manancial de informações sobre o estado de saúde dos pacientes, e analisar os níveis de cada componente é parte importante dos diagnósticos
Las incursiones de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido se producen tras las advertencias de Washington de cesar los ataques en el Mar Rojo, pero podría servir para reforzar a los rebeldes y reavivar la guerra civil.