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Colorado State University

Founded in 1870 as the Colorado Agricultural College, Colorado State University is now among the nation’s leading research universities. Located in Fort Collins, CSU currently enrolls about 22,650 undergraduate students, 4,100 graduate students and 550 Professional Veterinary Medicine students, and has more than 1,800 faculty members working in eight colleges. More information is available at


Displaying 381 - 388 of 388 articles

Children living closest to the mines had the lowest literacy and numeracy scores. Katherine Clark/Flickr

Australian children exposed to toxic mining metals do worse at school

Children in mining and smelting towns who are exposed high levels of lead, arsenic and cadmium are more than twice as likely to have developmental disorders than the national average.
According to some surveys, more than 90% of owners view their pets as members of the family. 'Dog' via

When is it ethical to euthanize your pet?

In the past, owners were quick to put their pets down. Now, with many viewing pets as family members, are they waiting too long?
Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock in the Star Trek series, died on Feb. 27 Nimoy star image via

Temple Grandin: The effect Mr. Spock had on me

Temple Grandin is perhaps the world’s foremost advocate on autism. But before she became famous, she was an awkward young girl who found solace in Mr. Spock’s logical world view in TV’s Star Trek.
In an analysis of seven sites in NSW, the highest crime rates correlated with the highest levels of lead in the air. Flickr/Frank de Kleine

Childhood lead exposure linked to crime in adulthood

We’re increasingly realising that the child’s physical and chemical environment plays a significant role in criminal behaviours later in life.
Netherlands has moved to ban ritual slaughter without stunning but is killing an animal for food ever ethical? Flickr/Nick Saltmarsh

Explainer: the ethics of ritual slaughter

Ritual slaughter is an important part of Islamic and Jewish belief systems but, as recent TV footage showing cattle being butchered in Indonesian abattoirs demonstrated, there is great variation across…


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