Founded in 1870 as the Colorado Agricultural College, Colorado State University is now among the nation’s leading research universities. Located in Fort Collins, CSU currently enrolls about 22,650 undergraduate students, 4,100 graduate students and 550 Professional Veterinary Medicine students, and has more than 1,800 faculty members working in eight colleges. More information is available at
Colorado has spectacular scenery, but it comes with wild animals, and they sometimes wander into town. A ballot measure that would ban hunting wild cats is the latest test of public views on hunting.
Les orages provoqués par les feux de forêt sont plus fréquents qu’on ne le pensait, comme le montrent désormais les images et les données satellitaires à haute résolution.
Tempestades induzidas por incêndios e redemoinhos de fogo semelhantes a tornados são mais comuns do que se imaginava, como mostram agora imagens e dados de satélite de alta resolução.
Infectious diseases can spill over from animals to humans as well as spill back. Each cross-species transmission gives pathogens a chance to evolve and spread even further.
The masculinity on display at the Democratic convention was groundbreaking as men − from Joe Biden to Pete Buttigieg to Tim Walz to Doug Emhoff − aimed unreservedly to lift up women as leaders.
Manque de sommeil et couchers tardifs modifient une région du cerveau impliquée dans la gestion du stress et des émotions, ce qui peut avoir des conséquences à long terme.
Less sleep and later bedtimes are linked to a section of the brain involved in emotion regulation suffering reduced growth, along with weaker connections to other brain areas.
Conflitos entre pastores e os ancestrais selvagens de seus iaques, camelos e renas são uma séria ameaça tanto para as pessoas quanto para a vida selvagem, escreve um cientista que viu esses confrontos em primeira mão.
Conflicts between herders and the wild ancestors of their yaks, camels and reindeer are a serious threat to both people and wildlife, writes a scientist who has seen these clashes firsthand.
Humans aren’t the only animals that have names for each other − and studying animals that use names can teach researchers more about how human names evolved.
Donald Trump’s reaction to his conviction provides a textbook case of demagoguery – which erodes democratic institutions and can prime an audience for violence. His followers went right along.
Numerous bats have been found in Colorado with white-nose syndrome. The fungus has killed millions of bats in North America, leaving biologists concerned about its impact on bats in the state.
A veterinarian and epidemiologist who studies infectious diseases in dairy cows discusses the outbreak, how cows recover and what the government is doing to keep the milk supply safe.