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Columbia University


Displaying 1 - 20 of 248 articles

California Democratic Congressman Phil Burton, second from right, with – left to right – Democratic State Assemblymen Leo T. McCarthy, Willie L. Brown and Art Agnos, in the early 1980s. San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library

How San Francisco’s Democratic political machine led to Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign

Kamala Harris is the heir to a political lineage that dates back to a chain-smoking, hard-drinking and profane political mastermind first elected to Congress from San Francisco in 1964.
Studying pregnancy from multiple disciplines could provide new insights. Carol Yepes/Moment via Getty Images

Pregnancy is an engineering challenge − diagnosing and treating preterm birth requires understanding its mechanics

How and why preterm birth happens is still unclear, in part because research on pregnancy tends to focus on developmental biology.
Icebergs that break off from Greenland’s glaciers carry enormous amounts of fresh water that can affect Atlantic currents. Hubert Neufeld via Unsplash

Is collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation really imminent? Icebergs’ history reveals some clues

If the ocean circulation, known as AMOC, shuts down, it would be a climate disaster, particularly for Europe and North America. New research shows why that might not happen as soon as some fear.
Le bilan carbone, un outil imparfait. MaxZolotukhin - Shutterstock

On fait le bilan… du bilan carbone

Sur le papier, la France a été pionnière en matière de bilan carbone. Mais qu’ont vraiment changé les lois votées ? Comment les entreprises se sont-elles approprié ces textes ?
A educação de crianças tanto em países de baixa renda como o Sudão do Sul quanto em países desenvolvidos como os EUA já está sendo afetada negativamente pelos extremos das mudanças climáticas. Richard Juilliart/Shutterstock

Escolas fechadas: mudanças climáticas já prejudicam a educação de crianças ao redor do mundo

Ensinar as crianças sobre a crise ambiental pode ajudar a combater as mudanças climáticas, mas as mudanças climáticas já estão afetando negativamente a educação de crianças em todo o mundo
The education of students in countries like Sudan is already being negatively affected by the extremes of climate change. Richard Juilliart/Shutterstock

School’s out: how climate change is already badly affecting children’s education

Teaching children about the environmental crisis can help fight climate change, but climate change is already negatively affecting children’s education around the globe.
Donald Trump sits in a New York courtroom with Chris Kise and Alina Habba, two of his attorneys who have reportedly been paid with political action committee funds. Shannon Stapleton-Pool/Getty Images

Yes, Trump’s PACs really can pay his legal fees

Trump-aligned political action committees have paid lawyers for the former president tens of millions of dollars. Are there any limits on how much, or on what, they can spend?
Para combater a desinformação e aumentar a confiança da população na ciência é preciso ir além do letramento científico, ensinando e estimulando a capacidade de análise para a formação de opiniões embasadas. Paralisart/Unlimphotos

Análise: Resposta para crise de confiança da população na ciência passa pelo ensino do pensamento crítico

Não basta restabelecer confiança da população na ciência para vencer a desinformação. É urgente criar sistemas eficazes para ensinar crianças e jovens a pensar de forma racional e crítica


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