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Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology

Eijkman Institute is a renewed, non-profit, government funded research institute conducting basic research in medical molecular biology and biotechnology. The institute is located at the heart of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

The institute has a main mission of advancing the progress of basic and applied research related to molecular biology in Indonesia, with focuses in biomedicine, biodiversity, biotechnology and biosecurity, as well as translating the findings of the research for the benefits of Indonesian community.

The institute was named after Christiaan Eijkman, a nobel-laureate, Dutch-born scientist whose works in beri-beri at this institute in late 19th century leads to the discovery of the first vitamin.


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Dengan data genom publik, sebuah tim di Berlin menyempurnakan mekanisme diagnosis untuk mendeteksi 2019-nCoV lebih dari seminggu sebelum kasus pertama coronavirus di Jerman. Shutterstock

Sains terbuka mendorong riset global untuk hadapi coronavirus: mengapa peran Indonesia minim?

Penelitian garda depan untuk coronavirus Wuhan didominasi oleh institusi riset di Cina, Amerika Serikat, Jepang, dan berbagai laboratorium di Eropa - nampaknya tidak ada yang berasal dari Indonesia.
Through public genome sequences, a team in Berlin perfected a molecular diagnostic protocol to detect the 2019-nCoV more than a week before the first case was confirmed in Germany. Shutterstock

Open science promotes global scientific collaboration to tackle coronavirus: why hasn’t Indonesia contributed?

Frontier research initiatives to tackle the 2019 coronavirus seem to be dominated by institutions in China, the US, Japan and labs across Europe. Very little seem to be coming form Indonesia.
Petugas forensik mengambil sampel DNA dari noda darah dengan kapas dari kasus pembunuhan. Igorstevanovic/Shutterstock

Kisah Herawati Sudoyo jatuh cinta pada riset DNA

Dia meletakkan dasar pemeriksaan DNA forensik kasus terorisme.
Ilmu biologi molekuler, dengan penelitian DNA, membantu penegak hukum melacak pelaku bom bunuh diri dan kejahatan laiannya.
Genetika manusia Indonesia adalah hasil pencampuran genetika nenek moyang keturunan manusia modern (Homo sapiens)

Dari mana manusia Indonesia berasal?

Genetika manusia Indonesia adalah percampuran dari berbagai kelompok manusia. Penelitian kami menunjukkan adanya pembauran.
The genetics of Indonesian people are a mix between different groups of humans. from

Tracing the origin of Indonesian people through genetics

I try to learn who are the ancestors of Indonesian people through genetics. The genetics of Indonesian people are a mix between different groups of humans.
Nobel Laureate Barry Marshall talks to Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology deputy director of translational research David Handojo Muljono in Indonesia. Supplied

In Conversation with Barry Marshall: using pathogens to help humans

Nobel Laureate Barry Marshal discovered that bacteria called Helicobacter pylori caused peptic ulcers. He is using the same bacteria to create probiotics and edible vaccines.


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