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Federation University Australia

Federation University Australia transforms lives and enhance communities by providing innovative and integrated lifelong learning, job skills and impactful research that enable people and communities to prosper locally, regionally and globally. Federation is Australia’s newest university built on a history of success. It is the only regional, multi-sector university with campuses in Ballarat, Gippsland, Berwick, Wimmera and Brisbane.

Our research is organised into three broad, cross-disciplinary research priority areas: Health and Wellbeing - Developing the best prevention, treatment and care for bodies and minds; Society and the Environment - Understanding and managing the world we live in, from the constructed to the natural; and Virtual, Digital and Computational Environments - Exploring, analysing and creating our new reality through innovative technologies. In the latest Excellence for Research Australia (ERA) assessment, Federation was rated well above or above world standard in Applied Mathematics, Environmental Science and Management, Civil Engineering, Clinical Sciences, Human Movement and Sports Science, Nursing, Environmental Science, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, and Medical and Health Sciences.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 121 articles

Not so “ladylike” – the netball rivalry between Australian and New Zealand will continue at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Ross Setford/AAP

From ‘good temper and pluck’ to fierce international rivalry: the story of netball

Commonwealth Games netball is an intensely physical and competitive affair. It’s a far cry from netball’s roots – the game was designed to shape women into model middle-class citizens.
Kebenaran yang pahit: Anda mungkin terlihat lebih menarik dalam kelompok daripada Anda sendiri.

‘Cheerleader effect’ itu benar adanya, dan Anda bisa manfaatkan di Facebook

Keampuhan efek pemandu sorak paling bagus dijelaskan dengan menilik bagaimana otak Anda bekerja. Manusia cenderung tidak memproses setiap detail individual yang mereka tangkap dalam lingkungan mereka.
Trolls tend to downplay the impact of their abusive online behaviour on their victims and seem to relish the mayhem they cause. Let’s use this to help them lift their game. from

How empathy can make or break a troll

Trolls tend to know the impact they’ll have, but don’t seem to care. So, how do we use our new findings to help stop this seemingly pointless, harmful behaviour?
A controversial editorial has questioned whether saturated fats really clog up your arteries and put you at risk of heart disease. But can it really overturn decades of research? from

Viewpoints: is saturated fat really the killer it’s made out to be?

We need to eat a healthy diet, do some exercise and avoid stress rather than blame saturated fat for heart disease, says a recent editorial. But does the evidence stack up?
It’s not all about finding love in the online dating world. Shutterstock/Prathan Chorruangsak

Women troll on dating apps just as often as men

If you’re looking for love on a dating app then beware the trolls - and consider upgrading to a paid service to get away from them.
The Nintendo Switch is a modular gaming console, unlike any other on the market. Nintendo

The Nintendo Switch breaks convention but lacks a killer app

Nintendo has a history of innovation in the console market, and the Switch follows suit. But it trades power for flexibility, and it’s unknown yet whether that’s what gamers want.
Hazelwood power station worker Trevor Birkbeck stands on a property near the power station in Victoria, 2011. David Crosling/AAP

Hazelwood’s closure calls for a rethink on Latrobe Valley solutions

Past attempts to help Latrobe Valley workers weather economic changes haven’t made a difference, so the closure of Hazelwood presents a challenge.


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