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Fresno Pacific University

Fresno Pacific University is the Valley’s only accredited Christian university, connecting every student’s untapped potential with unlimited opportunity for professional, personal and ethical growth. Nonprofit and independent, FPU offers more than 100 areas of study to about 4,000 traditional undergraduate, adult degree completion, graduate and seminary students at the main campus in Southeast Fresno and throughout the Valley at regional campuses in North Fresno, Visalia, Bakersfield and Merced as well as online. Our students chase big ideas and explore deep faith through five schools.


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Los abortos eran conocidos y practicados en tiempos bíblicos, aunque los métodos diferían significativamente de los modernos. Win McNamee via Getty Images

Lo que la Biblia realmente dice sobre el aborto puede sorprenderte

La ausencia de una referencia explícita al aborto no ha impedido que sus oponentes o defensores busquen en la Biblia apoyo para sus posiciones, dice una profesora universitaria de estudios bíblicos.
Aktivis Jason Hershey membaca dari sebuah Alkitab saat ia memprotes di depan Mahkamah Agung AS dengan kelompok anti-aborsi Bound for Life pada tahun 2005 di Washington, D.C. Win McNamee via Getty Images

Kamu mungkin tidak menyangka yang dikatakan Alkitab tentang aborsi

Iman dapat menginformasikan pendapat tentang aborsi di kedua sisi debat politik, tetapi Alkitab sendiri tidak mengatakan apa pun secara langsung tentang topik tersebut, jelas seorang sarjana Alkitab.
Activist Jason Hershey reads from a Bible as he protests in front of the U.S. Supreme Court with the anti-abortion group Bound for Life in 2005 in Washington, D.C. Win McNamee via Getty Images

What the Bible actually says about abortion may surprise you

Faith can inform opinions about abortion on both sides of the political debate, but the Bible itself says nothing directly about the topic, a biblical scholar explains.


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