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Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


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Un macrófago a punto de fagocitar a un intruso. Shutterstock / piccreative

La gripe como “entrenadora” para luchar contra el cáncer

Superar infecciones adiestra al sistema inmune para enfrentarse no solo a otras enfermedades infecciosas, sino también al cáncer. Un experimento lo ha puesto a prueba con ratones a los que se inoculó el virus de la gripe.
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. NIAID

Prepandemias, pandemias y pospandemias

La respuesta al brote de SARS-CoV-2 no fue buena. La falta de cooperación internacional y de personal y la escasez de materiales para responder a una emergencia son algunos de los fallos más evidentes. Además de un importante vacío legal e institucional para decidir e implementar medidas de contención.
Plastic debris on a beach on Lanai, a sparsely populated Hawaiian island. Matthew Koller

Plastic trash in the ocean is a global problem, and the US is the top source – a new report urges action

An estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enters the ocean each year – equivalent to dumping in a garbage truckload of it every minute. A new report calls on the US to help stem the deluge.
People suffering from long-term effects of COVID-19 face uncertainty about the nature of their symptoms and how long they might last. Halfpoint Images/Moment via Getty Images

Deciphering the symptoms of long COVID-19 is slow and painstaking – for both sufferers and their physicians

Researchers are piecing together clues to better understand the puzzling array of symptoms in those who never seem to fully recover from COVID-19.
El botox es ahora el tratamiento cosmético no quirúrgico más popular en Estados Unidos. Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

¿Qué es el botox y cuánto puedo ponerme?

¿Sabes qué es y cómo funciona el botox? Te explicamos lo que deberías considerar antes de hacerte un tratamiento.
Six million Botox procedures are performed every year. Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

Can you have too much Botox?

Botox, one of the most common dermatological treatments, is now trending with millennials. But can too much Botox be bad for you?
COVID-19 puede ser relacionado con problemas neurológicos en algunos pacientes que sufren una forma severa de la enfermedad. Ralwel / Getty Images

Síndrome de Guillain-Barré, raro trastorno neurológico relacionado con COVID-19

Científicos están investigando un posible vínculo entre el síndrome de Guillain-Barré y COVID-19 ya que este ha aparecido en pandemias anteriores con otros coronavirus como el SARS y el MERS.
COVID-19 has been linked to neurological problems in those with severe disease. Ralwel / Getty Images

Rare neurological disorder, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, linked to COVID-19

As if the symptoms of COVID-19 were not disturbing enough, physicians have noted a rare neurological condition that emerges during some severe cases of this viral infection.
Seorang penjaga keamanan memakai masker saat dia mengawasi penumpang yang tiba di bandara internasional Manila di Filipina pada 23 Januari 2020, sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk menahan wahab coronavirus. AP Photo/Aaron Favila

Kapan vaksin coronavirus Wuhan bisa dibuat? 5 pertanyaan dijawab ahli vaksin

Pengembangan vaksin ini akan mendapatkan bantuan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya mengenai virus yang masih berhubungan dengan 2019-nCov, yakni SARS dan MERS.
Una guardia de seguridad con máscara vigila a los pasajeros que llegan al aeropuerto internacional de Manila, en Filipinas, el 23 de enero de 2020, como parte de los esfuerzos para contener el coronavirus. Aaron Favila/AP Photo

Cinco preguntas para saber cuándo habrá una vacuna contra el coronavirus

El coronavirus que surgió en Wuhan ha afectado ya a seis mil personas solo en China, donde han fallecido al menos 132 infectados. Varios países han informado de casos dentro de sus fronteras. Todo el mundo se encuentra a la espera de la creación de la vacuna que permita contener la propagación de la enfermedad.
A security guard wears a mask as she keeps watch at arriving passengers at Manila’s international airport in the Philippines on Jan. 23, 2020, as part of efforts to contain the coronavirus. AP Photo/Aaron Favila

When will there be a coronavirus vaccine? 5 questions answered

One of the dangers of the new coronavirus is that there is no treatment – and no vaccine. But researchers had already been at work on vaccines for close-related viruses.
In low-resource settings many patients cannot access the tests they need for accurate diagnosis, treatment and a chance of survival. Here, patients wait in the Edna Adan University Hospital in Somalia, 2010. (Shutterstock)

The desperate global need for medical diagnostics

The World Health Organization has made bold progress by including many tests for non-communicable diseases on its new ‘Essential Diagnostics List.’
The victims of civil war doctors are trying to help. Manu Brabo/AP

Doctors on the frontline: we are targets in Syria’s civil war

We don’t know the exact details of why Abbas Khan, the British surgeon who died while in custody, was arrested last November at a regime checkpoint in Syria and imprisoned and tortured, or the manner of…
Taking sides: medical targets in Syria threaten medical neutrality. Dominic Lipinski/PA

Preventing medical help has become a new form of warfare

New York Times columnist Nick Kristof recently nominated Syria as the world capital of human suffering. He has a point. It’s not just the bombs, bullets, and now gas rained down upon the civilian population…


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