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Institute of Marine Sciences

The Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR) conducts research in mediterranean, oceanic and polar regions, focusing on the following themes:

The evolution of oceans and their continental margins, studying submarine volcanoes, faults and slides and their potential impacts onshore.

The influence of climate change on oceanic circulation, acidification, bio-geochemical cycles and marine productivity.

Submarine habitats and ecology, and the increasing pollution of coastal and deep-sea environments the evolution of fish stocks with a view to keeping commercial fishing within sustainable limits and improving mariculture and aquaculture practices.

Natural and anthropogenic factors impacting economically and socially on coastal systems from pre-history to the industrial epoch.


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La crue de fin octobre 2018 est la quatrième plus importante depuis l’acqua granda de 1966, qui avait inondé la ville tout entière. Nullplus/Shutterstock

Face à la montée des eaux, comment sauver Venise ?

Le projet Mose, qui entend protéger Venise de la montée du niveau de la mer, n’apporte pas une réponse adéquate et pourrait bien n’avoir aucun impact positif à long terme.


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