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International Growth Centre

The International Growth Centre (IGC) aims to promote sustainable growth in developing countries by providing demand-led policy advice based on frontier research. The IGC directs a global network of world-leading researchers and in-country teams in Africa and South Asia and works closely with partner governments to generate high quality research and policy advice on key growth challenges. Based at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and in partnership with the University of Oxford, the IGC is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID).


Displaying 1 - 20 of 23 articles

An M-Pesa agent and mobile phone shop in Nairobi. A decade after it was introduced economic benefits are being felt. EPA/Boniface Mwangi

Study provides fresh insights into the benefits of mobile money in Kenya

M-PESA was launched nearly a decade ago in Kenya. New evidence suggests that the mobile money banking system has helped reduced poverty levels, particularly in households headed by women.


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