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Mercator Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

Global economic growth has led to the overuse of natural resources like the atmosphere, land and forests. These special assets are called global commons, because they need worldwide cooperation for their sustainable use. To achieve that, a farsighted and international view is needed, which governments and other stakeholders often lack. MCC aims to fill this gap and provides policy advice as well as research on long-term, global issues such as climate change: In this area we explore solutions, foster public debates, and support a broad societal exploration of development alternatives.

MCC was founded in 2012 by Stiftung Mercator and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). At the end of its inception phase, which ran from 2012 to 2015, MCC supported 28 full-time-equivalent positions, distributed across 47 total staff members. Our research is carried out in seven working groups and one special task force.


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Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Coronavirus is a ‘sliding doors’ moment. What we do now could change Earth’s trajectory

New research reveals which sectors of the global economy fuelled the emissions decline during COVID-19. We have a narrow window of time to make the change permanent.
Lucas Jackson/Reuters

El coronavirus, un punto de no retorno: lo que hagamos ahora puede cambiar el rumbo del planeta

Una nueva investigación analiza los sectores económicos responsables de la caída global de emisiones debida a la COVID-19. Tenemos una pequeño margen de tiempo para hacer el cambio permanente.
Le 11 mai 2020, à Saint-Malo, marquage d’une piste cyclable. Damien MEYER/AFP

Covid et baisse des émissions de CO₂ : une nouvelle étude fait le point secteur par secteur

De tout récents travaux du Global Carbon Project montrent dans le détail les effets de la pandémie et du confinement sur l’économie mondiale.


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