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National Park Service

The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.


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Scientists have used author Henry David Thoreau’s notes to inform studies of climate change in eastern Massachusetts. Tom Stohlman/Flickr

By fact-checking Thoreau’s observations at Walden Pond, we showed how old diaries and specimens can inform modern research

Journals, museum collections and other historical sources can provide valuable data for modern ecological studies. But just because a source is old doesn’t make it useful.
Con las pruebas descubiertas por los paleontólogos, una artista dibujó El Bosque Petrificado de Chamana tal y como podría haber sido mucho antes de la aparición de los humanos. NPS/GIP Mariah Slovacek

Árboles petrificados en Perú revelan la historia primigenia de Sudamérica

Gracias a los restos de unos árboles fosilizados en Perú tras una erupción volcánica hace 39 millones de años, los científicos y una artista han descubierto cómo era el bosque mucho antes de que existiera el ser humano.
With the evidence uncovered by paleontologists, an artist sketched El Bosque Petrificado Piedra Chamana as it might have looked long before humans. Mariah Slovacek/NPS-GIP

A volcanic eruption 39 million years ago buried a forest in Peru – now the petrified trees are revealing South America’s primeval history

Using remnants of fossilized trees, scientists and an artist figured out what the forest looked like long before humans existed.


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