Founded in 1898, Northeastern is a global, experiential, research university built on a tradition of engagement with the world, creating a distinctive approach to education and research. The university offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate programs leading to degrees through the doctorate in nine colleges and schools, and select advanced degrees at graduate campuses in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Seattle.
Many students and professors at US colleges and universities want their schools to divest holdings in fossil fuel companies, but it’s a hard sell for school administrators.
Rather than transform Israel into an undemocratic ‘apartheid’ state, the new nation-state law is more likely to ensure that Israel can’t be transformed into a liberal democracy or binational state.
Many factors can influence people to evacuate or stay in place when disasters threaten. New research using Facebook posts suggests that people with broad social networks are more apt to move.
Trump administration officials falsely claim the law required them to separate immigrant families. The same excuse was used in the Nazi era to bar hundreds of thousands of refugees from the US.
Chris Sellers, Stony Brook University (The State University of New York); Lindsey Dillon, University of California, Santa Cruz, and Phil Brown, Northeastern University
Government agencies are supposed to listen to the industries they regulate, but what if they tune out everyone else? Scholars call this regulatory capture, and some staffers see it happening at EPA.
Social media sites aren’t the only online systems that can secretly influence people’s votes. Search engines can too and may be even more successful – and undetectable.
A desk is a place to work. But it can also be a symbol of prestige and power, as EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has demonstrated in his choice of expensive and ostentatious desks for his office.
Facilitated Communication began in Australia in the 1980s to help people with disabilities communicate, but it has since been shown to replace the voice of the person with that of the facilitator.
As Israel approaches the 70th anniversary of its establishment, many older American Jews will be celebrating. Many younger ones will wonder whether the Jewish state is something to celebrate at all.
The violence that led to the deaths of 18 Palestinians last week in Gaza dominated the headlines. But that’s not the real story from that day: The nonviolence of thousands of other demonstrators is.
Banyak aplikasi bertanya apakah Anda mau membagi lokasi Anda? Anda jawab tidak dan Anda pikir masalah selesai. Ternyata ponsel Anda tetap bisa membocorkan lokasi Anda.
How do internet companies decide which network traffic to slow down and which to charge against users’ data plans? And what can we learn about net neutrality from the answers?
Social media apps are becoming as important as water, food and batteries when communities face natural disasters. One key function is helping people connect with neighbors and support each other.
New survey data show that Muslim Americans are the most negatively perceived religious group in the US and are often victims of Islamophobic attacks. How are they responding? By getting organized.
A former president of Northeastern and scholar of higher education shares his perspectives on what has – and hasn’t – changed in the role of the college president.
Recent incidents reveal more than just men behaving badly. They show the consequences when corporate cultures are driven by hyper-masculine personalities at the top.
In the wake of the suicide bombing in Manchester, England, an expert on social networks explains why ties to other people help societies recover from traumatic events.
For robots to be most useful when working alongside humans, we’ll have to figure out how to make robots that can literally lend us a hand when our own two are not enough.