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Northern Kentucky University

NKU is a growing metropolitan university of more than 14,000 students served by more than 2,000 faculty and staff on a thriving suburban campus near Cincinnati.

Located in the quiet suburb of Highland Heights, Kentucky—just seven miles southeast of Cincinnati—we have become a leader in Greater Cincinnati and Kentucky by providing a private school education for a fraction of the cost. While we are one of the fastest growing universities in Kentucky, our professors still know our students’ names.


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This microscopy image shows the retina of a mouse, laid flat and made fluorescent. Kenyoung Kim, Wonkyu Ju and Mark Ellisman/National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California, San Diego via Flickr

Seeing what the naked eye can’t − 4 essential reads on how scientists bring the microscopic world into plain sight

Visualization is an essential part of the scientific process. Advances in imaging have enabled eye-opening discoveries, not only for scientists and researchers but also for the general public.
Para karyawan sering terkejut saat mendapati pekerjaan impian mereka ternyata melibatkan tugas-tugas kasar dan pekerjaan yang membosankan. Meskipun mereka perlu mengelola harapan mereka, pengusaha juga harus lebih jujur ​​dalam menjelaskan apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di pekerjaan mereka. (Unsplash)

Saat pekerjaan impianmu ternyata sebuah mimpi buruk

Suatu saat Anda berhasil mendapat pekerjaan impian Anda. Namun ternyata ia menjadi mimpi buruk dengan berbagai tugas menjenuhkan. Maka, apa yang dapat karyawan dan pengusaha lakukan?
Les employés sont souvent choqués de découvrir que le travail de leurs rêves consiste à effectuer des tâches subalternes et pénibles. Si les employés doivent apprendre à gérer leurs attentes, les employeurs devraient quant à eux être plus honnêtes sur la véritable nature des emplois qu’ils ont à offrir. (Unsplash)

Quand l'emploi de vos rêves tourne au cauchemar

Vous avez décroché le job de vos rêves. Et il s'est rapidement transformé en cauchemar, rempli de tâches banales et de corvées. Que peuvent faire les employés et les employeurs ?
Employees are often shocked to find their dream job involves menial tasks and drudgery. While they need to manage their expecations, employers should also be more honest about the true nature of the jobs they’re hiring for. (Unsplash)

When your dream job is a nightmare

So you snagged your dream job. And it quickly became the stuff of nightmares, filled with mundane tasks and drudgery. What can employees and employers do?


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